Events: Upcoming & Past

Intermediate Family Law Mediation

Who should attend: All those wishing to enhance their mediation skills and understanding. This course is essential for new family mediators. Learning level: Intermediate/Advanced The third course in CLEBC’s Family Law Mediation curriculum, this course will give you a better understanding of family dynamics and power in mediation. You will also learn about process design […]

Parenting Coordination 5-Day Training

When: October 7th to 8th and November 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2019 9:00 am to 5:30 pm daily Where: UBC Robson Square: 800 Robson Street, Vancouver—Room C400 What: Days One and Two will cover the roles and functions of the parenting coordinator, the historical context, including the status of parenting coordination in Canada and the […]

Older and Wiser: The Phenomenon of Grey Divorce A Multi-Disciplinary Conference

As professionals working with clients divorcing in their later years, understanding the unique needs and challenges of Grey Divorce is increasingly important. It is estimated that divorces with clients over 50 represent 1/4 of cases (source).  Divorces in middle age and older are increasing in Canada (source). This engaging, multi-disciplinary conference is an excellent opportunity […]

Parenting Coordination: Advanced Applications

This training is geared to mental health professionals, mediators and lawyers and expands on the knowledge and skills learned in the Foundations of Parenting Coordination training. A single case is followed from intake to arbitration.

Parenting Coordination: Essential Tools for Conflict Resolution

This program will describe the fundamentals of parenting coordination (PC), including the principles and functions of the PC role, the knowledge base for being an effective PC, and ethical guidelines. Participants will learn how to help clients utilize the process and how to effectively write recommendations.